
Eighty percent of tidal creeks in the Bahamas are fragmented. This results in loss of critical marine habitat for juvenile Bonefish,Permit and Tarpon.


Our Mission

To partner with local fishing guides,marine biologists, the Bahamas National Trust and local labor to identify and restore critical fragmented tidal creek systems throughout the Bahamas.

We are a 503c non profit IRS approved tax exempt entity dedicated to the restoration of Bahamian creek and wetland tidal systems.

Current Board Members

Fred Schwaibold President

Dr. Craig Layman Scientific Advisor

Robert Bullard

Bob Nichols

Michael McCarthy

James Robinson M.D.

Pete Kelso

Bedford has helped accomplish over 200 of its partners’ major conservation goals. They inspire everyone to care for the planet.
— John Smith, Nature Conservancy Magazine

What We've Achieved

We have raised sufficient funds to restore two or possibly Three Tidal creeks on Andros Island . These tidal creek systems were identified by Andros Fishing guides as priority projects. With the assistance of the Bahamas National Trust,drone overflight videos were taken demonstrating the fragmentation that has occurred. The adverse impact on the marine habitat can be plainly seen.

These three creek systems can be restored by removal of mangroves that have grown in the creek mouth. This will allow the free flow of water behind the obstruction resulting in the restoration of marine habitat.